How Do Pressure Sores Progress?
According to WebMD, pressure sores result from a lack of blood flow to the skin, which usually occurs when a person is bedridden or confined to a wheelchair. Also known as bedsores, this medical condition can cause minor effects if immediate medical treatment is sought.
However, if treatment is not sought and the same conditions persist after bedsore develops, they can have a significant impact on your health and wellness. The following explains the stages pressure sores take and the subsequent physical effects.
Stage 1
Bedsores begin on the top layer of the skin. Effects are usually minor at this point, such as itching, burning sensation. Slight pain is also common, as is visible redness on the area of affected skin. Cleaning the area and changing positions at least every two hours can prevent worsening effects and facilitate swift healing.
Stage 2
By stage 2, bedsore may appear similar to a blister. The skin can also appear broken and swollen. The pain usually increases by stage 2, and proper medical care is a must to prevent infection. This entails cleaning and dressing the wound and ensuring there is proper blood flow to the area going forward.
Stage 3
Infection typically sets in by stage 3 without the proper medical intervention. The skin may appear sunken, with significant swelling around the sore. Signs of infection, such as fluid drainage or a foul odor, will also present. Along with timely wound care, stage 3 pressure sores also require antibiotics to treat the underlying infection.
Stage 4
Stage 4 pressure sores exhibit substantial signs of infection. The damage will also have extended from the outer layer of skin down to underlying tissue, including bone. In some cases, a person may require surgery to repair the effects.
People living in nursing homes or assisted living facilities often have decreased mobility. As a result, it is crucial for staff to ensure the proper care to prevent pressure sores and other damaging effects. If you notice a loved one has a pressure sore that is not treated correctly, contact the nursing home supervisor immediately.